Friday, December 30, 2022

Suddenly I.

This is coolbert:

"You have let down our country and our Red Army. You have the nerve not to manufacture Il-2s until now. Our Red Army now needs Il-2 aircraft like the air it breathes, like the bread it eats. (This plant) now produces one Il-2 a day… It is a mockery of the Red Army….I ask you not to try the government’s patience, and demand that you manufacture more Il-2s. This is my final warning."- Stalin.

Don’t think here of the Il – two Soviet era ground attack warplane. Think rather the Ukraine Conflict and the Kalibr cruise missile has used on numerous occasions to attack Ukrainian targets and infrastructure. Those weapons have been expended to such an extent they must be replaced to maintain the inventory. the manufacturing facility has not kept up the pace with expenditure. Heads will roll and perhaps have.

"Alexander Buzakov, general director of Admiralty Shipyards dies suddenly in Russia"

From Euro Weekly News   By Chris King • 24 December 2022 • 

"The sudden death of Alexander Buzakov, the General Director of the Admiralty Shipyards, occurred in Russia."

 "Alexander Buzakov, the General Director of the Russian company producing carriers for ‘Kalibr’ cruise missiles, died suddenly on Saturday, December 24. According to the press service of the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC), Buzakov, the general director of the Admiralty Shipyards, died at the age of 67"

Devoted readers to the blog will have to decide for themselves of what my intuition tells me is so. The anger of Vlad can create bad situations for people just as the anger of Stalin did for many during WW2. You will be purged or sent the Gulag if you do not meet your quota or expectations.

Not being able to meet your quota can mean that you’ll terminate this existence as your only option

As in the days of Stalin as it is now also? A very grim end without amelioration. Failure is not tolerated.


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