Tuesday, December 27, 2022


This is coolbert:

“The battle … was cruel and horrible. Sea-battles are always more terrible than those on land, for those engaged can neither retreat nor run away; they could only stand and fight to the bitter end, and show their courage and endurance.” 

From the Internet website of Commander Salamander December 23, 2022.

"Your commander matters. The best commanders know when to take the advice of their staff and when to brush it off."

"The worst commanders are those who lack the knowledge or personality to know when to do one of the other."

"All extractions from 'Great Army of the Sea' As told by Douglas Sterling."

"Unlike war ashore, at sea there is not much room to retreat once fully engaged. Losses are rarely done in retail, deaths are wholesale. In modern times as it was for thousands of years."

Watch this very well done Lego dramatization of the Sluys engagement courtesy YouTube.

At least from all that I know of naval warfare from the medieval period prior to black powder cannon being carried and used by warships the main tactic was to grapple with the enemy, board the enemy vessel and engage in hand to hand combat with the enemy, captured the enemy vessel if possible. More of an infantry battle then the naval battle traditionally understood in the modern era.

That period of the 14th century the Black Death [bubonic plague] and the beginning of the Little Ice Age greatly restraining and tempering historical events of the era, at least from my perspective.

That 100 Years War too do not think continuously fought for a period of 100 years merely a series of battles and campaigns fought and as occurring over a period of 100 years.


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