Monday, December 12, 2022

Recruitment II.

This is coolbert:

More Russian recruitment problems especially with regard to Wagner PMC.

"African students in Russia say they are being asked to join Russia’s invasion force in Ukraine"

From | November 27, 2022.

"Students from Africa studying in Russia are being pressed to join Russia’s Wagner Group mercenaries fighting against Ukraine, with threat of loss of scholarships and increased tuition fees, students from Russia’s South University of Rostov-on-Don have said."

"News website the Daily Beast reported on Nov. 21 that for the last three months university officials have tried to persuade students to accept either an offer from the Russian Army to join its ranks, or a similar one from Wagner private military company."

"Both organizations [Russian army and Wagner PMC both] promised wages of from $3,000 to $5,000 [Per month?] for those who were willing to fight in Ukraine, while those who turned down the offers were threatened with the cancelation of scholarships and an increase in the cost of their tuition."

We pay you now or you pay us later! This can be seen as nothing more than being between the rock and the hard spot!

You could always argue that this would be a case of the Greatest Warrior being that person that fights for a people he does not know and for a cause that he does not understand but it hardly think that to be the case here.


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