Saturday, December 24, 2022


This is coolbert:

The sting of the beast is said to be most terrible especially to a military working dog.

Yes, place this blog entry into the category of strange but true a curiosity and oddity!

"US military personnel are lining up on a waitlist to hunt an extremely dangerous scorpion in Kuwait"

From Blaze Media/News | LEON WOLF December 23, 2022.

"According to Stars and Stripes, some members of the United States military have a new hobby: hunting one of the most dangerous scorpions on earth. And the hobby has become so popular that there is now a waitlist to get in on the scorpion hunts."

"The scorpion they are hunting is called Androctonus crassicauda, known as the Arabian fat-tailed scorpion. Although the venom of the scorpion is extremely dangerous, it is generally regarded as aggressive towards humans; rather, members of the military hunt these creatures because they are a danger to the service dogs the military relies upon."

Eradication of the beasts very good training soldiers not only after a pest and eliminating but also in the process facing a form of danger also the animal that can kill you.

I would think too that the pursuit and "sport" provided by hunting the scorpions will be a welcome respite from a very dull boring and mundane garrison life in Kuwait!!


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