Thursday, December 15, 2022

45 Commando.

This is coolbert:

British Royal Marine 45 Commando unit in action the Ukraine conflict high-risk Special Operations missions several of which evidently have successfully been completed!

 "UK Military Publicly Admits Covert Operations In Ukraine For First Time"

Article courtesy of the internet website Zero Hedge original story Authored by Will Porter Via The "Libertarian Institute".  All thanks additionally to TYLER DURDEN | DEC 15, 2022.

"The British Royal Marines have carried out high-risk special operations on the ground in Ukraine, according to the former head of the elite unit, who said UK commandos have been deployed to the country on more than one occasion this year."

"Writing in the Royal Navy’s official magazine, the Globe and Laurel, Lieutenant General Robert Magowan said some 350 Marines were sent to Ukraine for two missions since January, starting with an operation to help relocate UK diplomatic staff to Poland just ahead of Russia’s invasion."{

Surely one can fully understand a relocation of UK diplomatic staff to Poland prior to commencement of hostilities in the Ukraine as a mission fully understandable. Beyond that we can only imagine what has occurred additional Special Operations missions is it a good idea to even speak about such matters?


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