Wednesday, November 23, 2022


This is coolbert:

ONE or TWO days only? Maximum. Known for years?

"German army has ammo for only two days of war – media"

"The problem has been known 'for years' but is being aggravated by the Ukraine crisis"

From Russian controlled [?] media 9 Oct, 2022.

"German army has ammo for only two days of war – media"

"The German Army (Bundeswehr) has enough ammunition for only one or two days of warfare, the German edition of news website Business Insider (BI) reported on Saturday, citing defense industry and parliamentary sources."

"According to BI, Berlin is significantly lagging behind the NATO requirement of maintaining stocks for at least 30 days of fighting. It was said that the problem 'has been known for years,' as military drills have suffered from insufficient stores."

Since the expenditure of ammunition during the Ukraine Conflict has been reported to be 2 1/2 times greater than at Stalingrad that stockpiled supply of the Germans can be expected to last more likely a day or less?

Keep in mind that ramping up production for war munitions going to take time and going to be expensive. Guns or butter going to have to be the choice and in the socialist/welfare states such a decision not going to be easy.

See this comment:

"Trash CanMan:

Should make the people wonder where all the billions spent on defense over the last 40 or so years has gone."

Indeed. And to all this General Rommel would say?


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