Tuesday, October 25, 2022


This is coolbert:

Perhaps in this instance you would be better off NOT knowing the source of the problem.

"yuck: interjection - Used to express rejection or strong disgust.

"The US Navy now knows why the water on an aircraft carrier looked and smelled strange. It had wastewater in it."

From yahoo.com the story by Jake Epstein October 24, 2022.

* "The US Navy found last month that the water on an aircraft carrier had an 'odor and cloudy appearance.'"

* "The service said early last week it didn't know why the water looked and smelled strange."

* "An inspection has since concluded that wastewater had entered the system."

"A month after sailors on the US Navy aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln first noticed their water looked and smelled strange, the service has finally determined that it was polluted with wastewater that leaked into the water supply.

Read further from the same article:

"Navy and Marine Corps veterans told Insider that sailors on Navy flattops, aircraft carriers and amphibious assault ships, have been drinking and bathing in water contaminated by jet fuel for decades."

DECADES comrades. Fancy that. Military service even during a time of peace can be fraught with danger, and from unexpected sources.


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