Monday, October 10, 2022


This is coolbert:

Yet one more new Russian commander the Ukraine Conflict. By reputation a hard-hosed, two-fisted, no-nonsense guy. A can-do man with a record of accomplishments. Vlad having total confidence in this Sergei.

The new man who will set things straight!

"Russia appoints notorious general to lead Ukraine offensive"

"Sergei Surovikin appointed on same day as explosion on Kerch bridge that has dealt blow to Vladimir Putin"

From the article by Andrew Roth 8 Oct 2022.

"Russia has appointed a notorious general who opened fire on pro-democracy protesters in the 1990s as its first overall commander for the war in Ukraine, as the Kremlin struggles to halt a Ukrainian counteroffensive that has left its forces in disarray."

"The appointment of Gen Sergei Surovikin came on the same day as Vladimir Putin was dealt a humiliating blow after an explosion on the Kerch bridge sank a section of the motorway into the Kerch Strait and caused a major fire on the railway."

"Surovikin is a veteran commander who led the Russian military expedition in Syria in 2017, where he was accused of using 'controversial' tactics including indiscriminate bombing against anti-government fighters."

This Sergei will be the can-do man Part II. Recall the Russian General Dvornikov from a previous blog entry. Dvornikov also described as the two-fisted, hard-nosed, no-nonsense type of commander that would shake things up. Obliterate all those pesky Ukrainians and bring a quick conclusion to the Ukraine Conflict.

Sergei is going to have more success than the previous NEW MAN? We shall see.


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