Saturday, October 29, 2022


This is coolbert:

Battlefield equipment of the Russian as captured intact and in good working order by the Ukrainian being put to good use.

"'Honestly seized': National Guard of Ukraine uses trophy equipment that belonged to Russians for counteroffensive"

Hardly merely trophies. Numbers of intact and quite usable Russian combat vehicles captured and totally serviceable.

From the original story TETIANA LOZOVENKO – 28 OCTOBER 2022, Ukrainska Pravda.

"The trophy equipment of the Russians makes it possible to carry out offensive actions during the autumn rains more effectively; the 'Russian Lend-Lease' [a sarcastic way to call trophy military equipment left by the Russians – ed.] even includes Russian-made most modern equipment."

Quote: "Considering the supply of armored vehicles from the Main Administration [presumably, of Ukraine’s Defense Ministry – ed.] and the lend-lease from the Russian Federation, the [fire]power [of the National Guard] has increased at least twice. Their feasibility is great, because due to the rains, offensive actions can only be carried out if you have 'goosenecks' [caterpillar tracks on military vehicles – ed.]."

"We [Ukrainian National Guard formations] didn't have infantry fighting vehicles at all; we didn't have tanks, either. Ukraine’s Armed Forces had the tanks, which performed tasks together with us. The newest example is the T-80 tank, the BMP-3 is also in full working condition, [made in] 2021, even with the documentation – they left everything at our disposal."

See this Internet article [archived] the Israeli army capturing and use of hundreds of Soviet era armor in distinct formations.

See also a previous blog entry the German during World War Two making good use of captured Soviet -T34 tanks. Imitation the highest form of flattery.

Whatever the circumstance, the Russian military abandoning intact and in perfectly serviceable condition valuable armored vehicles, tanks and infantry fighting vehicles such as that of the BMP variety not a good sign.


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