Sunday, October 23, 2022


This is coolbert:

As it was in 1941 so too shall it be in 2022? The Russian waging scorched-earth Eurasian steppe-land warfare in the traditional manner. 

Kakhovka dam vicinity Kherson mined and ready for demolition?

"Zelensky warns Russia is planning to blow up hydroelectric power plant in Ukraine"

 From October 21, 2022.

"Kiev — Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has warned that Russia is planning to blow up the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant in the Kherson region where Ukrainian troops are making advances."

”'Russia is deliberately creating the basis for a large-scale disaster in the south of Ukraine,' Zelensky said in a video address at the EU summit on Thursday."

"Kiev had information that Moscow had mined the site and was [is] planning a false-flag attack"

Read from the wiki the World War Two demolition of the Dniepropetrovsk dam.

2022 the Ukrainian accuse the Russian of making preparations to demolish the dam. The Russian accuse the Ukrainian of making preparations to attack the dam. And if such events transpire, HOW are we to know who the real malefactor is?

See here also from the Daniel Pipes Internet web site the destruction of "waterworks" during a time of war used as a military weapon.

Normally an invader if all going according to plan would want to capture intact as much critical infrastructure as possible. 


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