Thursday, October 27, 2022


This is coolbert:

A counter for the much vaunted Iranian Shahed-136 combat kamikaze drone has been found?

"Ukraine shoots down 19 of 20 Iranian drones launched by Russia overnight"

From October 27, 2022.

"Kiev — Russian air strikes targeted the area surrounding Kiev early on Thursday, according to Ukrainian authorities."


"In southern Ukraine, the Russian army launched more than 20 Iranian Shahed-136 combat drones of the type in the two hours before midnight, the Ukrainian air force said on Thursday."

"Nineteen of the drones had been shot down, most of them over the Odessa region, it [Ukrainian air force] said."

"The information could not be independently verified.


* Shahed-136 greatly related to the previous Shahed-131 Iranian combat drone. According to the wiki:

"The Shahed 131 has a simple inertial navigation system (INS) and a GPS with some electronic warfare protection, which the Shahed 136 may also have."

* These combat kamikaze drones are susceptible the American VAMPIRE anti-drone system? VAMPIRE supposedly have been sent to Ukraine and are now in the field.

* These combat drones are fire-and-forget weapons? You program them to strike a target and launch? No piloting or control from the ground necessary after the drone takes to the air?

* Critical installations and infrastructure can be guarded with on-call localized jammers, nullifying the on-board GPS guidance of the drone?

* You will have a situation where massive numbers of all available conventional anti-aircraft weapons [every ancient and venerable but still fire-able Soviet era anti-aircraft gun of the ZPU variety] will be massed at critical installations and infrastructure, placing an enormous "wall" of steel into the air upon the approach of the drone. As it was during the Second Indo-China war for American airmen so will it be now for the Shahed-136?

Checkmate! Shahed-136 now has to run the gauntlet. This all remains to be seen!


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