Wednesday, October 5, 2022


This is coolbert:

Induction into the Russian armed forces. Conscripts from Vlad's recent mobilization order subjected to threats, intimidation and quarrels resulting in brawls.

"brawl: noun - A noisy quarrel or fight."

"Conscripts fight Russian soldiers after they try stealing their clothes and phones"

From October 3, 2022.

"Moscow — A mass brawl has broken out between new recruits and established soldiers at a Russian army base near Moscow, media reports said on Monday."

"The Kremlin’s call for more troops for the war on Ukraine have led many potential conscripts to try to flee Russia, while now tensions appear to have boiled over inside the armed forces themselves."

“'The newcomers were not welcomed there with bread and salt. On the contrary, the soldiers serving there demanded the newcomers’ clothes and cell phones,' the Internet portal Baza reported.

See a video some of the fighting between the already-in-the-ranks Russian soldiers and the new conscripts.

This sounds like dedovshchina as was the case of the Red Army during the Cold War and perhaps behavior as engaged in also by the Russian Czarist Imperial Army.

"Dedovshchina . . . is the informal practice of hazing and abuse of junior conscripts historically in the Soviet Armed Forces and today in the Russian armed forces, Internal Troops, and to a much lesser extent FSB, Border Guards, as well as the military forces of certain former Soviet Republics. It consists of brutalization by more senior conscripts, NCOs, and officers."

"Dedovshchina encompasses a variety of subordinating and humiliating activities undertaken by the junior ranks, from doing the chores of the senior ranks, to violent and sometimes deadly physical and psychological abuse, not unlike an extremely vicious form of bullying or torture, including sexual torture and anal rape. There have been occasions where soldiers have been seriously injured or killed."

Old soldiers already in the ranks attempting to abuse the new men. A form of initiation that during Soviet times was tolerated by the commanders. Hardly does such behavior make for unit cohesion so important and necessary when engaged in combat.


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