Sunday, October 23, 2022


This is coolbert:

Yet more discussion the Soviet/Russian mothballed T-62 tanks being refurbished and upgraded for the Ukraine Conflict. 

Herewith the first paragraph of a Strategy Page article the topic an ancient and venerable weapon system with new life.

"ARMOR: Why Ancient T-62s Survive"

[not only survive but seem to thrive]

"October 22, 2022: Modern Russian T-90 and T-72 tanks suffered such high losses during the first months of the Ukraine War that Russia was eventually forced to replace them with T-62s. Those that had been modernized in the 1980s by adding more powerful engines, upgraded fire control systems, and ERA (Exploding Reactive Armor) tiles. Thousands of stored T-62s were upgraded like this and then returned to storage. The success of these T-62s in Ukraine led Russia to take 800 more out of storage and add further upgrades, using items that do not require any imported components. This included a more effective fire control system with improved thermal imaging. Improved EAR is also added, including more on the top of the turret to provide protection against Western top-attack missiles. The T-62 does not have an auto-loader for its 115mm gun, which makes the tank less vulnerable to total destruction from any turret penetration, especially by top-attack missiles. The T-62 was the last Russian tank built without an autoloader and that means the tank has a four-man crew. This provides more personnel to maintain the tank, which three-man crews were not always able to do adequately."

T-62 have been used previously in the Donbass War both during the actual fighting and stalemated seven-year long trench warfare stand-off. Used subsequently by the militia of the breakaway republics beholden to the Russian.

Devoted readers to the blog are encouraged to read the entire Strategy Page article.


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