Friday, September 9, 2022


This is coolbert:

Ukrainian counter-offensive action Kherson proceeding at a measured pace? Ukrainian surprise counter-offensive Kharkov now underway too. 


"UKRAINE WAR: Moscow, We Have a Problem"

From the story BY STEPHEN GREEN SEP 09, 2022 source Russian Defense Ministry Press Service via AP.

"I’ve [S. Green] been following Russian milblogger accounts for my Ukraine War updates, and over the last 48 hours there has been a serious change of tone."

"Ukraine’s unexpected and rapid advances in the north — as documented by these Russian sources — have engendered a palpable frustration from writers usually known for their pro-Moscow drumbeating."

Devoted readers to the blog read the entire Stephen Green article, paying particular attention to the tweets.

When the Russian milbloggers began to express concern then Vlad does have a problem. Even that the Ukrainian seems to have the ability to counter-attack in two directions at once must create apprehensions in the minds of a lot of Russians, military and civilian both.


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