Saturday, September 10, 2022


This is coolbert:

"'By not doing so in time or by underestimating the seriousness of the matter, we risk witnessing again a situation similar to that currently unfolding in some other part of our continent,' . . . 'This is something none of us would really wish to see.'" - Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias.

Troubling. Very troubling!

"Greece Informs Allies Of Ukraine-Style War Looming With Turkey"

From the story by TYLER DURDEN SEP 09, 2022.

"With the Queen of England's death as well as the EU energy crisis topping headlines, followed by the enduring Ukraine war, too few in the West seem to realize that a major crisis has been brewing in the Mediterranean which could see two NATO members enter a shooting war."

"Greece has taken the unprecedented step of informing NATO HQ, the EU, and UN that a Ukraine-style war is looming with Turkey. The two have long been locked in disputes over maritime rights, the status of Greece's Aegean islands, and airspace violations."


"For years, Turkey, Greece and Cyprus have been at odds over expanding Turkish oil and gas drilling rights in the eastern Mediterranean. Turkey is using its occupation of northern Cyprus to say that all waters encircling the island are fair game for its research and drilling vessels. Over the last half-century there's been at least a couple of occasions where tensions where so high there were fears of a military conflict breaking out."

Maritime rights more correctly understood as Economic Exclusion Zone [EEZ] rights? Drilling for oil and natural gas deposits the eastern Mediterranean at question here. 

Even NATO partners as Greece and Turkey at odds and have been for a period of hundred years or more. Disputes never settled, historical grievances quite extreme. And when it comes to OIL and NATURAL GAS watch out everyone. Money is to be had.


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