Wednesday, September 14, 2022


This is coolbert:

The chickens come home to roost Ukrainian style!

Collaborators beware!

Ukrainian citizens having accepted a Russian passport not being allowed to enter Russia as a refugee. Fallout from that most recent Ukrainian army counter-offensive the Kharkov sector.

From ^ | 9/13/2022 | Staff 9/13/2022 that tip from Freeper.

"Kilometre-long queues have formed at the Ukrainian-Russian border, which is controlled by militants from occupied Donbass and Russians. Huge queues have appeared on the border with Russia of people fleeing because of the Ukrainian Armed Forces' counter-offensive. However, the Russians are simply not letting the collaborators through. Border guards have a clear instruction not to allow people with Russian passports issued in Ukraine's occupied territories to enter Russian territory."

These folks probably predominantly Russian-speaking Ukrainian citizens of the Donbass region. Their loyalties to Russia pronounced but now they are betrayed.

Strange [?] that the Russian authorities are less than accommodating to those persons who had been offered and then adopted Russian citizenship. Abandonment extremely callous and very cold-hearted.

I hope the Ukrainian not too harsh on these individuals.


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