Monday, September 12, 2022


This is coolbert:

From Big Serge Sep 9 [2022] an analysis of the Ukrainian counter-offensive vicinity Kharkov. Serge [Sergei] his assessment generally favorable for the Russian.

"Ukraine Counterattacks!"

"Please Remain Calm"

"Ukraine plays to its audience"

"In the last 72 hours or so, the pro-Russian side of the internet has been sent into an [sic] tailspin of panic over a new Ukrainian counteroffensive which is currently being launched in the Kharkov region, with the intention of compromising the Russian army grouping at Izyum. The panic was triggered by claims that Ukraine was advancing unopposed, encircling - or perhaps even capturing - the city of Balakliya - and on the verge of cutting off supply lines to Izyum."

"If you will indulge me, I would like to revive a bit of optimism."


"My view is fairly simple: Ukraine cannot and will not reach meaningful objectives - what we call 'operational depth' - and has in fact thrown much of its carefully crafted premium reserves into a dangerous position. I believe it’s highly likely that these top rate Ukrainian formations are about to be savaged - but this is still an important learning moment for Russia."

Devoted readers to the blog are encouraged to read the entire article.

And as to what operational depth is:

"Operational Depth refers to the level of advance wherein the attacking force is no longer attacking the enemy’s frontline elements, but is instead directly assailing the enemy’s ability to sustain itself in combat."

Further with playing to the audience:

"play to the crowd: To act, behave, or perform in such a way as to receive as much approval from an audience or group of spectators as one can get, especially the lowest common denominator therein."


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