Saturday, September 3, 2022


This is coolbert:

Dutch elite military unit personnel training the state of Indiana, USA?

Dutch elite commandoes in an altercation with the locals resulting in the death of one soldier.

"Indianapolis police quiet on fatal shooting of Dutch soldier"

Story the Associated Press AUGUST 30, 2022.

"Two Dutch soldiers wounded in a downtown Indianapolis shooting that killed another member of their commando unit could soon return to the Netherlands, city police said Monday while providing no new information on the search for the other people involved." 

"The 26-year-old member of the Dutch Commando Corps died of his injuries 'surrounded by family and colleagues' after the shooting early Saturday, the country’s Defense Ministry said in a statement."

A minor and trivial incident of the Dutch commando soldiers with local citizens resulting in a shooting and death. Not good!

Evidently a suspect has been apprehended and is in custody!

Those Dutch military personnel training the Muscatatuck Urban Training Center (MUTC). An environment specially constructed a one-of-a-kind facility to train both military and civilian personnel in in all aspects of urban warfare.

"Muscatatuck Urban Training Center (MUTC) is a 1,000 acre urban training facility . . . used to train civilian first responders, Foreign Service Institute, joint civilian/military response operations, and military urban warfare.

Regrets and my sympathy to the family of the Dutch commando. 


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