Thursday, September 29, 2022


This is coolbert:

"Long pig is an antiquated term for human flesh, eaten by cannibals. Purportedly, the term long pig is a translation of a phrase used in the Pacific Islands for human flesh intended for consumption"

Maybe not so antiquated after all?

As extracted from an article by Michael Yon it will be a dark, cold, and dangerous winter for the German?

"The Death of Germany, and Europe"

 Michael Yon@MichaelYon   28 September 2022.

"At this point in history, to destroy the possibility of re-opening Nord Stream 1 (NS1), and opening NS2, all but assures massive famines and detailed destruction of European economy that normally only will be seen in war."

"Nothing short of nuclear war will destroy a nation more completely, more inter-generationally, than turning off the energy followed by famine. Famines burn through the souls of nations. Just read five random books on famine."

"Germany’s deal with the devil was a deal with themselves. Accepting the cheap Russian gas like cocaine straight to the bloodstream. To be sure, there were extreme benefits to manufacturing using cheaper, easier energy. Such as in the automotive industry."

"Germans and their multi-kulti invaders will devour the Black Forest and roast long-pig over their cuckoo clocks"

Long-pig if prepared properly can be made palatable? I for one don't want to find out.


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