Friday, September 2, 2022


This is coolbert:

I must pat myself on the back in approval that my intuition was right.

The Canadians do it. The Americans do it too! Andersen AFB Guam. Where America's day begins. See previous blog entry as relevant.

WOKE gone amok without question.

"U.S. Forces Ordered to Stop Using Gender Pronouns to Improve ‘Lethality’"

"Pacific Air Force base bans references to gender, age, and race"

From by Adam Kredo • August 31, 2022• 


"A division of the U.S. Pacific Air Forces (PACAF), the branch tasked with confronting China, has ordered its senior leaders and commanders to stop using gender pronouns in written formats, saying the shift to more neutral language will help improve the fighting force’s 'lethality.'"

Stress WRITTEN format only.


"Leaders at the base are instructed, 'Do not use pronouns, age, race, etc.' when writing performance reviews or other materials, such as recommendations for awards. 'Competition against near-peer adversaries requires a united focus from the command, the joint team, and our international partners. Welcoming and employing varied perspectives from a foundation of mutual respect will improve our interoperability, efficiency, creativity, and lethality.'"


As to what are those * AUTHORIZED and * UNAUTHORIZED pronouns and usage of same:

"The 'unauthorized examples' include: * 'He/She did,' * 'Best male/female,' * 'Youngest/Oldest,' and * 'Sergeant Murray.' The list of 'authorized examples' include: * 'This sergeant,' * 'This NCO [Non-commissioned officer],' and * 'This member.'"

WRITTEN communications of this sort as usually accompanying an able able to perform-to-standard once-a-year evaluation or fitness report. Important for promotion of retention in the service.


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