Monday, September 26, 2022


This is coolbert:

As it was with G. Washington in 1776 so as it is now with V. Zelensky in 2022?

The Ukrainian maintains the moral high ground and follows the proper path.

"Zelensky promises three protections to Russian soldiers willing to surrender"

From the article by KAREN TOWNSEND September 25, 2022.

"Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is promising three protections to Russian soldiers who willingly surrender. Zelensky’s offer comes as Vladimir Putin announced plans to call up 300,000 reservists to replenish the troops who have died in battle. Zelensky delivered his offer directly to Russians as he made his nightly video address."

"Zelensky addressed them in Russian. He said every Russian soldier who surrenders is guaranteed three protections."


1. "You will be treated in a civilized manner, in accordance with all conventions"

2. "No one will know the circumstances of your surrender, no one in Russia will know that your surrender was voluntary"

3. "If you are afraid to return to Russia and do not want an exchange, we will find a way to ensure this as well.”

My instantaneous reaction was the inducements offered by George Washington to the Hessian [German] mercenaries fighting for the British during the American Revolutionary War. Desert and surrender to the American Continental army and you will receive land grants and settlement peaceably so in the aftermath of the conflict.

"This Day In History: Washington Tried to Persuade Hessian Mercenaries to Desert (1776)"

From Ed - August 26, 2016.

Considerable numbers of Hessian mercenaries indeed settling in the USA after the war and quite successfully so. Germans make the best Americans.

See also:

"What Happened to the Captured Hessians?"

Again, the carrot rather than the stick. An offer [inducement] of land, citizenship, a new start in life for a peasant German mercenary almost an unheard offer to good to refuse.

"CARROT-AND-STICK is characterized by the use of both reward and punishment to induce cooperation."

Hessians knowing an offer too good to refuse. Russians conscripts the Ukraine Conflict will react the same way?


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