Thursday, September 22, 2022

Grumble III.

This is coolbert:

More Russian S-300 missiles for the Ukraine Conflict. Ballistic role.

"Russia Transfers Old St. Petersburg Defense Missiles To Ukraine Front: Report"

From the article BY TYLER DURDEN | SEP 19, 2022.

"Finland’s Yle broadcaster said in a lengthy investigative report issued Sunday that Russia's military has taken the unprecedented step of moving old anti-aircraft missile systems to its captured regions of Ukraine amid an ongoing shortage of advanced weapons."

Russian S-300 surface-to-air missiles being moved to the Ukrainian front. To be used more than likely in the ballistic missile ground attack mode!

"Finnish military expert Marko Eklund was cited in the report as saying at least four anti-aircraft missile installations which surround St. Petersburg had been 'emptied of equipment' as of August and early September."

"The Yle report relies heavily on satellite imagery analysis which purports to show the transfers away from the Petersburg bases."

Isn't it just amazing and remarkable that technology once only within the purview of those persons functioning at the highest governmental positions of national security is now available almost to one and all!

"The Finnish expert explained 'It is most likely that the equipment that has been removed is primarily from the old S-300 system.' Eklund further said that St. Petersburg air defense capabilities are still intact given that all or most of the equipment moved included older, or less advanced technology"

Older S-300 system being replaced by the more modern S-400 air defense missiles. Air Defenses St. Petersburg hardly less well defended.

See previous blog entries S-300 missile being employed in the ballistic missile role rather than anti-aircraft:


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