Friday, September 2, 2022


This is coolbert:

Cost efficiency smart bomb.

Thanks to the Internet web site the original story by Austin Vernon. 

"Smart bombs payout immediately by requiring a fraction of the ordnance"

September 1st, 2022.

"Austin Vernon discusses the economic logic of smart bombs"

"US smart bombs like the GPS-guided JDAM and the laser-guided Paveway cost somewhere between $10,000 and $30,000 to manufacture. They are nearly 100% accurate in hitting a target, while unguided bombs are stuck with single-digit accuracy numbers. Unguided dumb bombs cost $2000-$3000 per bomb. Smart bombs payout immediately by requiring a fraction of the ordnance."

"It is worse than that, though. A fighter jet like the US Navy’s F-18 costs over $10,000 an hour to operate, not including tankers. A B-52 bomber costs $70,000 an hour. Attacking targets using dumb bombs requires ten times the sorties at a significant cost premium and exposes planes and pilots to more risk."

Consider that years ago the time to build a F-15 was eighteen months on the assembly line. Time to train a pilot from the time he enters the military to solo in a F-15 about three years. That time of three years not even the pilot combat qualified at that stage.

See the Austin Vernon web site:

HEY, whatever happened to the Russian Rube Goldberg precision bombing apparatus SVP-24? As touted allowed for high-precision bombing without resorting to SMART BOMBS! Su-24 the only combat aircraft in the Russian arsenal that was equipped with the contraption. 


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