Monday, September 19, 2022


This is coolbert:

Demonstration of Russian military prowess only nine miles from the border between Russian and Norway. "Day of the Tanker" it is called.

A celebration without much to celebrate about?

"Tankers day celebrated in Pechenga despite reports of massive new war losses"

"An unconfirmed Ukrainian military source claims that up to 250 soldiers from the Northern Fleet’s 200th Motorized Rifle Brigade in Pechenga are killed in the latest counter-offensive in the Kharkiv region."

Once more from the story by Thomas Nilsen September 11, 2022.

"There were few signs of mourning as people flocked to the ‘tankodrome’ near Korzunovo on Sunday to celebrate the Day of the Tanker, an annual military festive in Russia honoring soldiers driving tanks."

"The venue is next to an abandoned cold war air base, some 15 kilometers [about nine miles] from Russia’s border with Norway. It serves as a training ground for the fleet of T-80 battle tanks, of which most are sent south and take part in Putin’s onslaught on Ukraine."

Elements of the Russian 200th Motorized Rifle Brigade heavily involved in the recent fighting the Kharkov sector. Sustaining severe losses? This will not go over well in Pechenga.

Go see the embedded videos of Russian tanker driving skills. Demonstration topped off by a firing of the tank main gun.

See previous blog entries the topic the Russian 200th Motorized Rifle Brigade:


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