Friday, September 16, 2022


This is coolbert:

All items here courtesy the Internet web site

1. "This new technology that detects deadly landmines with 92% accuracy could help Ukraine"

Article by Baba Tamim Sep 11, 2022.

"160,000 square kilometers [about 96,000 square miles] of the Ukrainian territory of land may be 'contaminated' by landmines."

We are not even including unexploded tube artillery rounds, a fairly high percentage of which fail to detonate. Demining that eternal threat for which there is NO easy solution and possibly never will be.

2. "Ukraine has allegedly captured one of Russia's most advanced aerial electronic warfare pods"

Article by Ameya Paleja Sep 13, 2022.

"It could be a boon for U.S. intelligence."

This is one pod of the two-pod SAP 518-SM or Regata aviation electronic-warfare system. 

Indeed will be a boon for the intelligence of many nations as possibly might face a future confrontation or war with the Russians. 

3. "Video: Ukraine Air Force retrofits modern anti-radar missiles into analog cockpits"

"The MiG-29s can now fire U.S.-supplied anti-radar missiles."

HARM American anti-radar missiles now in use with Soviet/Russian era combat aviation. Conversion completed successfully in record time!

4. "Watch Ukrainian soldiers use motorcycle sidecars for missile launches"

Article by Ameya Paleja Jul 8, 2022.

"Could they trouble the Russian invaders?"

"German military motorcycle w/sidecar troops a common feature of WW2. Motorcycle units used for screening, patrolling, reconnaissance, scouting, dispatch riders."

Ukrainian motorcycle troops in context of the current conflict equipped with anti-tank guided-missiles [ATGM]. Move fast, fire, move fast again. Repeat the process over and over.

The devoted reader to the blog is encouraged to read all four articles in entirety. Very informative.


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