Wednesday, September 21, 2022


This is coolbert:

Item # 2 follows item # 1 in order.

1. "4 Ukrainian regions schedule votes this week to join Russia"

From the AP article By JON GAMBRELL September 20, 2022 courtesy the Press Democratic.

"KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Russian-controlled regions of eastern and southern Ukraine announced plans Tuesday to start voting this week to become integral parts of Russia. The concerted and quickening Kremlin-backed efforts to swallow up four regions could set the stage for Moscow to escalate the war following Ukrainian successes on the battlefield."

Those four regions and areas to include

"Luhansk, Kherson and partly Russian-controlled Zaporizhzhia and Donetsk regions"

Predominantly Russian-speaking regions of Ukraine voting in what will be seen as a sham election to join the Russian federation. It can reasonably be inferred that international recognition is not going to be forthcoming. Protracted war without a negotiated settlement now a given!

2. "Putin sets partial military call-up, won’t ‘bluff’ on nukes"

More thanks to the AP the story By KARL RITTER Sept. 21, 2022. (Russian Presidential Press Service via AP).

"KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered a partial mobilization of reservists in Russia on Wednesday, risking a deeply unpopular step that follows a string of humiliating setbacks for his troops nearly seven months after invading Ukraine."

"It’s the first call-up in Russia since World War II and is sure to further fuel tensions with the Western backers of Ukraine, who derided the move as an act of weakness. The move also sent Russians scrambling to buy plane tickets out of the country."


"The Russian leader, in a seven-minute televised address to the nation aired Wednesday morning, also warned the West that he isn’t bluffing over using all the means at his disposal to protect Russia’s territory, in what appeared to be a veiled reference to Russia’s nuclear capability."

Weapons of Mass destruction [WMD] Russian style. ABC. Atomic, biological, chemical. The Russian still has a capability for biological and chemical warfare or was that all dismantled? Atomics with tactical warheads assuredly they do exist and are on-call.

Threats of Vlad must be taken seriously. If I was in a major position of power I would taking his comments most seriously. And with good reason.


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