Thursday, September 1, 2022


This is coolbert:

As seen at Freeper | Live stream from Galveston ^ | 08/31/22.

Here with an item that initially the headline of which had caused me some head-scratching.

1. "USS Texas in dock at Galveston (Pelican Island)"

"Multiple tugs and patrol craft. Slow and stately tow. No incidents seen. Drydock is still 'wet' and the comments indicate that it wont be drained for a while."

USS Texas, SSN-775 submarine in dock Galveston? Of course a great deal of caution would have to be taken. An American nuclear-powered submarine pre-loaded with missiles and torpedoes the docking of which must be taken with great caution!

But no I am wrong. USS Texas in this case BB-35 USS Texas American battleship.

BB-35 a museum piece since 1948 on display Galveston. A warship docked and afloat but for some time having been understood as being in dire need of extensive repairs to the hull to keep the ship in a sea-worthy state. BB-35 actually in danger of sinking. Mission to repair the ship now underway as we speak underway.

2. "Once thought to be unmovable, the Battleship Texas heads to Galveston for repairs.

From the Texas Standard | By Michael Marks | August 30, 2022.

"While in service, the USS Texas sailed through some of the globe’s most treacherous waters."

"The Texas is one of only eight ships to serve in both world wars. Its crew supported American troops on D-Day and on Iwo Jima. After being decommissioned, the Texas became a floating museum, docked beside the old San Jacinto Battleground near Houston."

"On Wednesday, the Texas will once again set out into open waters when a group of tugboats tows it to a dry dock in Galveston, where the ship will undergo extensive repairs on its hull as part of a long-term plan to preserve the vessel. The journey will be live-streamed starting about 3 a.m."

Go and watch the You Tube live stream the movement of the USS Texas BB-35 to drydock:

"Join us LIVE as the mighty USS Texas continues her journey to Galveston! The 110-year-old battleship will be undergoing repairs here in Galveston, allowing island visitors a chance to marvel at her beauty for the next year"

Good luck and GODSPEED BB-35. May the wind be to your back as they say!


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