Wednesday, September 7, 2022


This is coolbert:

The Ukraine Conflict the North Korean connection?

It is not only the Ukrainian and NATO that are experiencing a shortage of war-making bang-stuff? The 
Russian is too?

Solution the North Korean military possessing as I might well suspect ungodly quantities of rocket artillery and conventional artillery rounds in an abundance almost beyond counting. Russians to PURCHASE the needed munitions with a deal apparently in the works.

Munitions perhaps even to Russian standards and totally compatible with Russian weapons systems.

1. "Russia buying millions of rockets and shells from North Korea, US intelligence says"

"Official says deal shows Russia continues to face supply shortages as invasion of Ukraine grinds on"

From the story by Justin McCurry in Tokyo and Isobel Koshiw in Kyiv 6 Sep 2022.

"Russia is buying millions of rockets and artillery shells from North Korea to support its invasion of Ukraine, according to a newly declassified US intelligence finding."

"A US official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said on Monday that the fact Russia’s defense ministry had turned to Pyongyang demonstrated that 'the Russian military continues to suffer from severe supply shortages in Ukraine, due in part to export controls and sanctions'."

2. "U.S.: Russia could be about to buy 'millions' of North Korean shells, rockets"

From By Trevor Hunnicutt and David Brunnstrom September 7, 2022.

"WASHINGTON, Sept 6 (Reuters) - Russia could be about to buy 'literally millions' of artillery shells and rockets from old Cold-War ally North Korea, the White House said on Tuesday, calling this further evidence of Moscow's 'desperation' amid supply shortages for its war in Ukraine."

Consider also the presence of North Korean labor work gangs the Ukraine! As has been previously speculated about. Hard pick and shovel labor [forced labor?] to do reconstruction work Donbass and other areas as now occupied by the Russian. Additionally I would strongly suspect some sort of quasi-military duty also in the works.

North Korea and Russia hand in glove more greater than we like to think?



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