Tuesday, July 19, 2022


This is coolbert:

Cruise missile DEFENSE the American homeland. Russian cruise missile threat as demonstrated during the Ukraine Conflict now seen as a real possible for attack on North America for which little if any warning is possible.

NORAD some big bucks on-the-way? North American Air Defense rocks.

From yahoo.com the story by Jen Judson July 18, 2022.

"Pentagon plan for homeland cruise missile defense taking shape"

"WASHINGTON — The Pentagon’s plan to defend the U.S. homeland from cruise missiles is starting to take shape after a prolonged period of development because until recently, the threat was perceived as a more distant regional one, a senior Air Force official said."


"Land-attack cruise missiles can be launched from the air, ground or sea and because they fly at low altitudes under powered flight, it is difficult for radars to detect them."

"Ballistic missiles can be detected much earlier, which allows more time to detect, track, decide and act. For cruise missiles, decision makers may have only a couple of minutes and salvos of cruise missiles can attack from different directions, complicating the approach to defeating the threat."

First and foremost I am thinking of the Russian cruise missile 3M-54_Kalibr [NATO code name Sizzler] which has a range in about 2,000 kilometers [excess of a thousand miles], warhead conventional high-explosive or thermonuclear.

Already SIZZLER combat tested from submarines in several conflicts and found to be highly effective.

Tethered balloons for radar-station posts along the American coastlines will now have to proliferate in numbers before seen. Already used to guard against low-flying conventional aircraft smuggling drugs across the border from Mexico. Now the mission to be looking for cruise missiles?


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