Monday, July 25, 2022


This is coolbert:

Here with miscellaneous reads the Ukraine conflict. I recommend highly without reservation or qualification

1. "Ukraine could push Japan, S Korea to go nuclear"

From "Asia Times" ^ 7/24/2022 the tip from Freeper.

"The war in Ukraine called into question many of the fundamental pillars of the international order. The European security system that has developed since the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact has received a shattering blow. A war of aggression by a major power intent to destroy a neighboring state and annex significant territories has broken with major taboos, not to mention international law."

Read additionally from several Internet web sites the feasibility of both South Korea [ROK] and Japan to go nuclear.

2. "Last Stand at Azovstal: Inside the Siege That Shaped the Ukraine War"

"For 80 days, at a sprawling steelworks, a relentless Russian assault met unyielding Ukrainian resistance. This is how it was for those who fought, and for those trapped beneath the battlefield."

Within the American military historical context think Alamo, Wake Island, Corregidor.

From the archive of the New York Times By Michael Schwirtz July 24, 2022 the tip from "Blazing Cat Fur".

Thank you New York Times and Michael Schwirtz. Well done. 


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