Wednesday, July 27, 2022


This is coolbert:

Storming of the Reichstag 2022?

Article here from 2017. Russian youth being prepared for war well in advance of the Ukraine Conflict. Participants storming the Reichstag parliament building a "scaled-down replica" as it is referred to.

That climactic event of the Second World War for the Soviet now everyone in "youth army training" can enjoy?

"Russia to Build Miniature Reichstag for Youth Army Training"

From "The Moscow Times" Feb. 22, 2017.

Replica now complete, used by reenactors.

"Russian children will soon be able to storm a miniature version of the German parliament building to relive the Soviet capture of Nazi Berlin as part of training."

"The scaled-down replica of Germany's iconic Reichstag building will be used by budding soldiers in Russia's Youth Army, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announced on Wednesday."

"The Youth Army was formed in 2015 to encourage patriotic fervor among Russia's youth, as well as to teach basic military skills to children as young as 10."

Many of those participants "the youth army" now serving with Russian army units the Ukraine? A kindermord I fear going to occur if it has not already been so!


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