Wednesday, July 13, 2022


This is coolbert: 

“So there’s been a nuclear attack. Don’t ask me how or why. Just know that the big one has hit.”


See this most recent public service announcement [PSA]. New York city prepares.

"Nuclear Preparedness PSA (with captions)"

"Jul 11, 2022 NYC Emergency Management shares important steps for New Yorkers to follow if a nuclear attack occurs."


* If you are outside when the weapon detonates, you might not be well able to get back inside. Severely injured and need medical assistance. Of which there will be no operating and functioning hospital or even doctors around.

* Expect not ONE big one [atomic bomb going off] but a number of them if you live New York City.

* Removing your clothing and taking a shower not going to be an option. There will be no running water after the bomb goes off or at any time into the foreseeable future. Dangerous levels of nuclear radiation going to exist for a two week period minimum after the usage of atomic weapons.

* Trying to "listen" for emergency action governmental message radio broadcasts will be next to impossible unless you have a portable radio, batteries, and perhaps contained the radio in a Faraday Cage in advance. [Faraday Bags are commercially available.]

All of this obviously in response to the Ukraine Conflict. Comrade Vlad and his minions having made very menacing and repeated threats of nuclear war if the circumstances warrant.

"The living will envy the dead."


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