Tuesday, July 26, 2022


This is coolbert:

First the Buryats. Now the Kyrgyz? And perhaps the Uzbeks too?

Russian manpower woes as alleged the Ukraine Conflict solved or at least alleviated with further recruiting of specific national and ethnic groups?

Yet more and concluding posts the source "Ukrainian Truth".

Wagner Group on the prowl. Looking for more volunteers. Pay for an ethnic minority Russia very good?

"Wagner mercenaries start recruiting Kyrgyz residents for the war in Ukraine mass media"


"The Center for Investigative Journalism 'MediaHub' has drawn attention to the appearance in social networks in Kyrgyzstan of ads by private military company (PMC) Wagner about recruiting citizens for the war in Ukraine under the guise of recruiting employees for private security companies in the regions of Russia.

Source: "'MediaHub', Radio Azattyk"

Details: "Journalists published a screenshot of the corresponding ad posted on the kg.zarplata channel on Instagram. It seems that individuals are being recruited to protect industrial enterprises with the prospect of obtaining Russian citizenship. The salary starts from 100,000 rubles per month.  The same ads are being placed with a focus on citizens of Uzbekistan."

For an ethnic minority in Russia such as a Kyrgyz national that pay of about $1,600 USD per month a tidy sum I imagine and enticing to many young men of military age.

Distinct national military units were a common phenomenon of the Red Army during World War Two. But since that period almost totally done away with. During wartime exigencies such measures are often required?


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