Wednesday, July 20, 2022


This is coolbert:

American military good news story Africa!

"Fort Bragg soldiers help rescue injured passengers of African plane crash"

From "The Fayetteville Observer" the story by Rachael Riley, July 19, 2022.

Training exercise Somalia becomes much more! A plane crash Somalia providing a "real-world application" with American military personnel Johnny-on-the-spot!

"Johnny-on-the-spot: a person who is on hand and ready to perform a service or respond to an emergency"

"SOMALIA —  A medical training exercise shifted into real-world application Monday for Fort Bragg soldiers as a passenger airplane crashed in front of them Monday in Mogadishu, Somalia, according to an Army news release."


"The commandos [Somali] and Fort Bragg soldiers rushed into action climbing a razor-wire fence to reach the plane, which skidded to a halt upside down just meters [yards] from their training location, according to the news release."

"As the Danab commandos [Somali] rushed toward the aircraft to pull injured passengers, Fort Bragg soldiers Sgt. 1st Class Caleb Vanvoorhis, Staff Sgt. JoAnna Baxter and Staff Sgt. Taylor Palmer established a triage area and helped local emergency responders evacuate 16 injured passengers to nearby medical facilities."

American military personnel as belonging to the 2nd Security Force Assistance Brigade headquartered Fort Bragg. And thanks to all and good job!


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