Sunday, July 3, 2022


This is coolbert:

The Royal Dutch navy to the rescue? The Ukraine Conflict. The Dutch?

NATO minesweeping vessels the contribution to the proposed Black Sea corridor whereby Ukrainian grain can be shipped in an expedited manner to world markets. Worldwide hunger averted.

From Commander Salamander | June 30, 2022 original story "De Telegraaf".

"The Netherlands is Game for the Black Sea Grain Escort Mission"

"The Netherlands has offered mine hunters to clear the way for grain ships from Ukraine. 'If we can play a role, we are happy to do so,' Defense Minister Kajsa Ollongren said at the NATO summit in Madrid."

"The Netherlands has offered Turkey, which mediates in the matter, help to clear the sea mines on the shipping routes. Then Russia and Ukraine will have to agree on a so-called maritime corridor, emphasizes Ollongren. Neighboring NATO member states such as Romania and Bulgaria are also in principle more eligible to supply minehunters, insiders say."

NATO naval escort convoy the Black Sea would have to be predominantly comprised of Romanian and Bulgarian minesweepers? Turkish warships also can be part of the mix? Dutch naval vessels on the Black Sea according to the Montreux Convention only a limited number allowed at any given moment and then any individual vessel for a maximum of twenty-one days.

Sounds like a very good idea. Let the diplomats work the details out. The devil is always in the details you know. Those diplomats better get-a-going with negotiations and fast too. Going to be a lot of hungry mouths around the world otherwise.


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