Monday, July 18, 2022


This is coolbert:

To war with coffee! The Ukrainian Conflict.

Stimulation for sentries and those on guard duty and having been deprived of sleep!

From the article by KRIS PARKER JULY 7, 2022.

"The bitter, strong 'Ukrainer' provides caffeine and a moment of calm."


"Granovskiy is one of Ukraine’s leading experts of the cezve, or ibrik, brewing method. Commonly called 'Turkish' or 'Eastern' coffee, the technique utilizes a long-handled pot, which is called a cezve, to brew finely ground coffee beans in water over a flame without a filter. The grounds are left in the cup when served, and the result is a strong cup of coffee. The brewing method is popular throughout regions of the former Ottoman Empire and its periphery."

"Turkish coffee being poured from a copper cezve. A cezve . . . is a small long-handled pot with a pouring lip designed specifically to make Turkish coffee. It is traditionally made of brass or copper, occasionally also silver or gold. In more recent times cezveler are also made from stainless steel, aluminum, or ceramics."

YES indeed. Coffee brewed in this manner was a favorite of the Janissary soldier of the Ottoman Empire. Stay awake and alert while on sentry duty and you will not lose your head or have your throat cut.


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