Friday, July 29, 2022


This is coolbert:

Hot off presses from the Internet web site of the known FBI agent provocateur Hal Turner and posted to the blog with much concern and apprehensiveness.

 29 JULY 2022 


"A massive explosion has taken place inside Russia proper, after an ammunition dump in Bryansk, Kilmovo Region of Russia was apparently hit by Ukraine."

Azov battalion neo-Nazi incarcerated POW their prison also struck by American-supplied Ukrainian HIMARS missiles?

"This particular attack comes just AFTER Ukraine used HIMARS (supplied by the USA) to strike a Russian POW camp to kill-off Ukrainian AZOV Battalion prisoners in the Yelenovka Penal Colony."

"Both that penal colony and the explosion inside Russia, are within the same general area.  If HIMARS was used to hit the penal colony, it is highly likely that HIMARS was also used to hit the ammo dump inside Russia."

"Russia has publicly and repeatedly warned that if U.S. supplied HIMARS were used against Russian territory, Russia would declare the US to be a combatant in Ukraine, and launch military attacks against US/NATO targets."

PUBLIC and REPEATED warnings made. I have said this before and will say it again. One day the Russian is going to feel COMPELLED  to RETALIATE with consequences too dire to contemplate!

Hold onto your hats everyone and hold on tight!


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