Tuesday, July 26, 2022

100 %.

This is coolbert:

Yet more from Ukrainian Truth. Ukrainian air defenses still possessing an amazing ability to shoot down incoming Russian cruise missiles of the Kalibr variety.

Ukrainian air defenses not destroyed to the extent the Russian has previously claimed? Seems so. 

"'100% result': in the morning, air defense system shot down all 4 missiles over the Khmelnytskyi region"


"On the morning of 24 July, the Ukrainian air defense system shot down all 4 cruise missiles launched in the Khmelnytskyi region."

Source: "Yurii Ihnat, spokesman for the Air Force Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, on the live national 24-hour newscast"

Quote from Ihnat: "Today (24 July - ed.) our air defense system worked perfectly, we have had a 100% result for almost the first time.

"In the morning, there was a missile attack from the Black Sea: four Kalibr missiles flew towards Khmelnytskyi Oblast."

Missiles as presumably launched from Russian submarines on patrol the Black Sea.

As has been reported the Russian during the five months of the war has launched 3,000 cruise missiles the direction of Ukrainian targets! An immense and prodigious use of advanced technology I might think severely depleting existing Russian inventory of these weapons systems. Not easily or cheaply replaced either.


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