Saturday, June 18, 2022


This is coolbert:

Purged. Sacked. Dismissed. Out-of-favor. Banished.

Russian general officers the Ukraine Conflict if not killed gotten rid of for failure. And pronto it seems.

YET one more senior man gone! Andrey Serdyukov.

From "The Sun the article by Will Stewart and  Adrian Zorzut 18 Jun 2022.

"RED RIGHT HAND Vladimir Putin PURGES top general over Ukraine war disaster as Russia’s losses now ‘could be as high as 50,000 soldiers’"

"Colonel-General Andrey Serdyukov, 60, was ditched for the devastating 'mass casualties' among Putin's elite paratroopers, it has been alleged."

"Vladimir Putin is said to be micromanaging the war, according to several sources"

"The speculation comes as a Russian source is said to have suggested the country’s overall losses in Ukraine are close to 50,000 - significantly higher than most other estimates."

That is 50,000 killed-in action? Golly Miss Molly! That is a lot in slightly over three months.

HEY! No one ever said this was going to be easy! Or did they?


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