Thursday, June 2, 2022


This is coolbert:

Queen Elizabeth II the platinum jubilee. Congratulations Your Majesty and a job very well done!

Let the celebrations commence! To include much military pageantry. British military BEST in the world at such events. Without peer!

The tip from the Russian controlled [?] Internet media outlet Sputnik. Even the Russian respects the Queen it would seem.

"Queen’s Jubilee Marked With 70 Aircraft Flypast Over London"

"Celebrations marking the Queen's accession to the throne are taking place between 2 and 5 June in the UK."

"Sputnik is live from London on the first of four days of celebrations to mark the 70th anniversary of the accession of Queen Elizabeth II, as a military flypast featuring 70 aircraft fly over the UK capital."

"The warplanes will take to the air from RAF Scampton and RAF Coningsby, and then arc south and fly over the British capital in the afternoon."

I had hoped to include some You Tube video with this blog entry but see none yet to be posted!


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