Sunday, June 26, 2022


This is coolbert:

With "the handwriting on the wall" so to speak, too little too late?

"the (hand)writing on the wall: The very apparent signs that something bad will happen in the future."

"Lithuania President Wants Hike in Military Spending, More NATO Troops"

"NATO is expected to boost its presence in the region, but not as much as the Baltic states want"

From the article by Dave DeCamp Posted on June 23, 2022.

"Lithuania’s president wants his country to hike military spending to 3% of its gross domestic product (GDP) to enable it to host more NATO troops as the Baltic nations are hoping for a significant increase in the alliance’s presence in the region."


"Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda told Reuters this week that he hopes Lithuania can host a brigade by 2027. 'Infrastructure-wise, we are not ready to deploy a brigade-sized unit in Lithuania because there is no accommodation infrastructure here. I hope that by 2027 we will be ready,' he said."

INFRASTRUCTURE as being solely to house NATO trip-wire troops stationed Lithuania? Not strictly an increase in the size of the Lithuanian military but rather for NATO aligned forces?

Lithuania their population about 3 million souls a fairly significant portion of which Russian speakers. Ability to increase the size of the Lithuanian military [or any of the other Baltic nations for that matter] very LIMITED.

Recall that 50 % of the daily needs of Kaliningrad arrives via the overland  route through Lithuania. And those essential items not boycotted or sanctioned by NATO still permissible to and allowed to pass.


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