Sunday, June 5, 2022


This is coolbert:

See my recent blog entry, remains of dead Russian soldiers awaiting repatriation!

EXCHANGE has now been done.

"Ukraine and Russia exchange bodies of dead soldiers"

"On 2 June, Ukraine and the aggressor country, Russia, held an exchange of the bodies of soldiers who have fallen in battle; 160 soldiers were exchanged on each side."

From Ukrayinska Pravda the story by KATERYNA TYSHCHENKO – 4 JUNE 2022.

"Quote: 'On 2 June, an exchange of bodies of dead soldiers took place between Ukraine and Russia on the Zaporizhzhia front.'"

"An agreement has been reached in which 160 soldiers from one country would be exchanged for 160 soldiers from the other during the negotiations with the participation of the [Ukrainian - ed.] Commissioner for Persons Missing under Special Circumstances [Oleh Kotenko, who was appointed on 20 May, when the Commissioner position was created during a Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine meeting - ed.]."

Exchanges of this sort going to be more common as time progresses. Negotiations of this sort can also can initiate further talks that may lead some sort of armistice or cessation of hostilities.


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