Sunday, June 12, 2022


This is coolbert:

Ukrainian grain exports renewed! Round-about path but still through the Black Sea. Thanks to the Romanian.

From the Singapore "Straits Times" and thanks to same.

"Ukrainian grains reach Romanian Black Sea port"

A constituent member of NATO sticking their thumb in the Russian eye  at risk to themselves?

"Sticking a thumb in the eye: idiom - "'to provoke, to taunt'. If I stick my thumb in your eye, it will make you angry with me, and it will show that I am not afraid of you."

"BUCHAREST/KYIV (REUTERS, BLOOMBERG) - APR 26, 2022. Ukraine has sent around 80,000 tonnes of grains to the Romanian Black Sea port of Constanta so far, with more expected to arrive, the port's manager said on Tuesday (April 26)."

"Ukraine's sea ports have been blocked since a Russian invasion two months ago and the country, a major agricultural producer, has been forced to export by train via its western border or via its small Danube river ports into Romania."


"The grains arrived either by rails or on barges through the Danube river . . . the [Constanta] port had the capacity to handle exporting additional grains exports."

Ukraine does have a common border with Romania. Border too dangerously close to the Russian-language speaking Transnistria? Expect Russian interference from proxies in the area? Denial or access to Constanta port might even be on the agenda of Russian navy Black Sea? Direct confrontation with NATO as a RESULT!


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