Monday, May 30, 2022


This is coolbert:

Further as I can best determine the armored Russian train Ukraine as attacked by saboteurs. NOT the TRAIN itself but rather the tracks it seems.

See the images purportedly of the Russian armored train with my comments. Armored train in a sense but not exactly so.

An armored train consisting of conventional "rolling stock" [box cars], a diesel pusher engine, An armored railway car preceded by a flatcar. Not an armored train fully so from top to bottom as would have been the case in WW1 or WW2.

Armored train as consisting of two armored elements. Flat car in the front with distinctive painting. followed by the armored weapons portion of the train. Pusher diesel behind the armored railway car. Flatcar and the armored section of the train always operating as one? Flatcar passing over contact mines laid on the track by saboteurs detonates mines without any damage to the following rolling stock.

Yet one more view the armored train. From left to right the conventional rolling stock, the diesel pusher engine, the armored section of the train, the flatcar barely visible. Two Soviet era ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft artillery cannon mounted with a man atop the armored section of the train presumably able to wield a MANPAD [man-portable air-defense].

Close-up view of the 23 mm ZU-23 anti-aircraft artillery cannon. Two per armored section of the train. Can given good protection against attack helicopter or low-flying ground attack aircraft.


* Armored portions of the train to protect value cargo as carried by rolling stock. I imagine the train also functioning would a flak train from the era of WW2. Protect vital point targets. Military headquarters, bridges, tunnel, manufacturing facilities, etc.

* That diesel pusher locomotive able to function independently totally without regard to the apparent electrified railway system currently use in the area of Ukraine, Donetsk, Luhansk.

* See also for your edification those attacks on British trains during the Boer War of 1900 paying attention to measures as taken by the British to protect the rail system from guerrilla/partisan attack.


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