Friday, May 27, 2022


This is coolbert:

Appeal to the Israeli falls on deaf ears as they say?

Think here more so the German connection!

Israel first and understood to be so with good reason. Maintenance of neutrality during the Ukraine Conflict foremost to the Israeli.

From "The New Voice of Ukraine" May 26, 2022.

"Israel rejects US request to approve missile supplies to Ukraine"

"Ukraine will not receive Spike anti-tank missiles"

"According to the publication, the U.S. Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, Colin Kahl, met with the Director General of the Israeli Ministry of Defense, Amir Eshel, and raised questions about the Biden administration's efforts to entice countries around the world to supply Ukraine with weapons."

"According to Axios’ sources, Kahl asked Eshel whether Israel would give permission to Germany to transfer Spike anti-tank missiles to Ukraine, to which he was refused and informed that Israel would supply Ukraine with only non-lethal military equipment."

Israeli anti-tank guided-missile [Spike] as sold to the German but contractual agreements only allow transfer to 3rd parties with explicit permission of the Israeli. Permission not granted.

See previous blog entry as germane to the topic of 3rd party weapons transfers:


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