Monday, May 23, 2022


This is coolbert:

Eternal warfare at work? A mere scrap of land, an island in the Black Sea during a time of peace of little or any value to any during a time of war becomes of major importance?


From DEBKAfile and thanks to same.

"Russia strikes US missile shipment for Ukraine, blocks world’s grain supply"

 May 22, 2022 

"Russia is blockading Ukraine’s Black Sea ports, choking off a primary world source of wheat, corn and fodder – Vladimir Putin’s payback for Western sanctions. International food experts foresee this blockade of Ukraine’s exports causing extreme food shortages and even famine in at least 36 countries, the worst hit being Egypt, Lebanon, Qatar, Pakistan, Indonesia, Jordan, Malaysia, Thailand and parts of Africa."

Shortages of basic food items plus an increased price going to be a big problem in unstable parts of the world. Expect upheaval on a global scale with ramifications immense!

"Ways of countering the Russian blockade and releasing for export the roughly 22 million tons of grain held in Ukraine storehouses are under urgent discussion in Washington and Brussels. One proposal is for US and Western warships to escort the laden freighters sailing out of Ukraine’s ports.  However, those vessels would have to break through the effective stranglehold maintained by 20 warships of the Russian fleet over Ukraine’s export ports from Snake Island, a tiny kilometer-square scrap of land situated in the northwest of the Black Sea."

FOREIGN interventionist fleet [not just NATO perhaps] breaking the blockade and opening the Black Sea once more for commercial vessels to engage in vital international trade? That is the answer? MILITARY FORCE undoubtedly will be required to make the Russian compel! WW3 the result. Is this what some want?

See all previous blog entries [some with additional embedded links[ blockade the Black Sea and Ukrainian ports:


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