Thursday, May 26, 2022

Replenishment II.

This is coolbert:

Once more from Russian controlled [?] Internet media RT 25 May, 2022.  

NATO dissension Poles and Germans at loggerheads. See previous blog entry for context.

WHENEVER are the Germans and Poles not at loggerheads?

"loggerheads: noun - at loggerheads quarrelling, opposed, feuding, at odds, estranged, in dispute, at each other's throats, at daggers drawn, at enmity"

"Germany ‘perplexed’ by Poland’s accusations"

"Berlin has indicated it might not have the tanks Warsaw wants at the ready"

"Germany ‘perplexed’ by Poland’s accusations"

"The German government has rejected criticism by Polish President Andrzej Duda, who accused Berlin of failing to substitute tanks Warsaw had delivered to Ukraine. It might take Germany a long time to produce the heavy equipment Poland seeks to receive from Berlin, government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit told journalists on Wednesday."

On Tuesday, Duda told the German news outlet Die Welt that Berlin had failed to replenish the Polish stocks in a timely fashion after Warsaw 'weakened' its own military potential by sending “a large number” of tanks to Ukraine. Most Polish tanks are German-made ones and Warsaw expected Berlin to step in, the Polish leader added."


"Warsaw reportedly specifically requested the most modern Leopard 2A7 tanks."

There it is in the nutshell as they say. The Leopard 2A7 version is the most modern and up-to-date German tank. Those Leopard tanks as previously purchased by the Pole and now sent to the Ukrainian lesser versions [2A5 tanks and 14 2A4 variants] of the Leopard.

Does anyone have it all down in writing? I doubt it.


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