Saturday, May 21, 2022

Misinformation II.

This is coolbert:

Lusitania of yesterday, Moskva tomorrow?


Moskva tomorrow? Howzzat?

Lots of controversy concerning the sinking of the Russian warship Moskva and surely events as transpired to be debated and argued about for a long time to come. 

The Moskva having sunk in about fifty meters [150 feet] of water will become [?] a popular amateur dive site with the wreckage easily accessible. A possibility for adventurous SCUBA diving does exist IF and WHEN the Russian government allows such activity.

Just as the Lusitania is a popular dive site today, tomorrow the Moskva will be?

Questions and controversy regarding the Moskva and events as transpired on to include but scarcely limited to:

* The ship sank after being hit by two Ukrainian anti-ship missiles.

* The ship sank when a onboard fire set off internal ammunition stores.

* The ship's air-defense radars were locked in the OFF position.

* The entire ship complement perished? NONE of the ship complement perished

* The ship had two atomic warheads present and loaded.

* A fragment of the True Cross was on the Moskva. 

* Did the USA provide or NOT provide targeting data that allowed the Ukrainian to successfully engage the Moskva.

The Moskva event seems to be either a GO or NO-GO type of incident. All is in the eye of the beholder. Emotion will cloud reason until civilian divers go down and take a look?

Don't expect the Russian to be too happy with anyone doing SCUBA around the Moskva for a long time to come.

P.S: The original blog entry has been edited now with two additional items.


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