Sunday, May 22, 2022

Fullback GPS.

This is coolbert:

Consider this to be a surprise? USA GPS si, Russian GLONASS no? Ground positioning system [GPS] USA superior or Russian GLONASS inferior?

Crashed Russian advanced frontline Su-34 warplane NATO code name Fullback needing to rely on American technology?

"Downed Russian fighter jets are being found with basic GPS 'taped to the dashboards,' UK defense minister says"

From Business Insider by Bill Bostock May 10, 2022.

"Russia is taping basic GPS devices to its fighter jets' dashboards, the UK's defense minister [Ben Wallace] said."

"Ben Wallace said this was due to 'the poor quality' of Russia's own navigation systems."


"Wrecked Russian fighter jets are being found with rudimentary GPS receivers 'taped to the dashboards' in Ukraine because their inbuilt navigation systems are so bad, the UK's defense secretary, Ben Wallace, said."

Honestly, I had to read this article several times to fully understand what is being said. The Russian is using a commercially available GPS receiver [I am assuming rudimentary means commercial] taped to the warplane control panel rather than rely on their own Russian GLONASS system for precisely accurate navigation.

Russians beware too. In a time of war the American GPS can be tweaked and modified so that the commercial version GPS receiver will give not so accurate readings as to positioning.

Perhaps this is part of the reason for the perceived poor performance of the Russian Air Force during the Ukraine Conflict? Targets just cannot be located with necessary preciseness?


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