Tuesday, May 24, 2022


This is coolbert:

“'It makes no difference who is a lawyer, who is a prosecutor, who is a judge, we are all united.'" - Ivan Mishchenko.

Judge "Dredd" at your service. Prepare to be judged.

A personal interest story the Ukraine Conflict.

From the "Dead Lawyers Society" Internet web site and thanks to same.

Translated by Olya Panchenko. Proofreading by Conal Campbell.

"Supreme [Court] Judge 'Dredd' Ivan Mishchenko"

"Ukrainian Supreme Court Judge Ivan Mishchenko left his job and joined Kyiv’s armed resistance, taking up a machine gun. Many legal sector media such as Above the Law, Law Gazette, and LegalCheek wrote about him. In Ukraine, he is now called 'Judge Dredd'."

Judge holding a captured Russian most-modern AK-12 assault rifle. Wife and children sent to safety, the judge volunteers his services in the Territorial Defense force. Similar to but probably not identical to the USA National Guard. Main mission guard key installations but only the most extreme of circumstances engage in combat.

Persons of his [Ivan] stature and station-of-life normally beyond the age of military service, Ivan however not eschewing his service as he sees fit during a time of war. Bully for the man!

See also the blog entries for the Klitschko boys. High status Ukrainians doing their duty also and admirably so.




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